Aspect Hosts Ultra-Iron Man for African Promise


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African Promise
On the 26th September Aspect staff embarked on the Ultra-Iron Man challenge to raise money for charity, African Promise. Aspect has proudly supported African Promise for a number of years and the charity aims to improve the quality of education in rural Kenyan primary schools by ensuring that schools are equipped to deliver an education worth having. Further details on African Promise can be found on their website by clicking here.

The Challenge
Two teams competed to cover the furthest distance across rowing machines (to mimic the swim), bikes and treadmills in one day. Over 11 hours the teams covered a combined total of 1,440km+ or the distance from London to Rome. The Iron (h)Edge team claimed victory but were pushed hard by a valiant effort from the Tri-Angels.

The aim was to raise a massive £20,000 with Aspect matching all money raised. The target has been surpassed and the final donation will be over £40,000.

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